You’re on your way to a breakthrough.

You deserve some magic in your life.
Smart and open-minded, you try to do the ‘right’ thing – the thing that you ‘should’ do.
But you still end up unhappy, lonely, and lost.
Even when you have a good life, you can still get weighed down by life!
Trying to communicate with your partner seems to fail, because you don’t know how.
Fear of what others think keeps bogging you down.
Constant worry about being perfect has you spinning.
You want success, but some challenges are so terrifying that you stay stuck.
When the picture we paint in our minds doesn’t materialize, we question our ability to grab a new brush.

Create a life that sets you free.
“I want to feel free, happy and make real connections with people,
But I don’t know how.”
Your best days are waiting for you! You just need the tools to create that change.
Stop wondering if it will ever happen and begin creating the way forward!

Therapy helps you paint a brand-new picture.
This means learning to tap into your instincts and banishing the ‘shoulds’ for good.
Are you ready for therapy designed for your unique needs?
If you’re half-assing life, start putting your whole ass into it!
Did that line catch you off guard? Did you laugh when you read it? Good.
Because often, on the road to living your best life, you’re going to have to shake things up and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Dig in and find the little moments that make you smile, that make you grateful.
These moments are going to add gas to your motivation tank. I’ll help you find and grow them in our work together.
Hi, I’m Allison.

10 seconds of bravery can lead to a lifetime of happiness.
Something inside you is done feeling unsatisfied, tired, and doubtful.
We can never anticipate the bad stuff that will happen, so we’re left blindsided when it occurs. This leads to shame, conflict, doubt, anxiety, and depression.
Breakthrough from the challenges and struggles that hold you back.
By offering real tools for real change, I help create the things that lead to true happiness – hope, resilience, confidence, peace of mind, loving connections, and strong communication. You already showed bravery by seeking me out today.
Keep moving forward towards the life you want.
What I Offer
There is hope. There is help.
What would all the facets of your life look like if you exerted another 10 seconds of bravery?
In that ten seconds, you could pick up the phone and call me.
We could see if we’d be a good fit. Then, I would guide you toward loving yourself and others more deeply, have meaningful connections, skillfully say what you need to say, and be thrilled to live the life that’s yours.
That’s what 10 seconds of bravery can do for you. If you’re ready for this kind of transformation, call me now for a free phone consultation.